
Nous postons ci-dessous des actualités et des réflexions portées à notre connaissance sur des thématiques liées à la VENTE, à la NEGOCIATION et au MARKETING B2B.
Elles nous semblent intéressantes, souvent pertinentes, et souhaitons les partager avec vous.
Bonne et constructive lecture !
Philippe HARI, Dynamiz, May 2023
3 immersive days with International MBA at emlyon business school, Lyon.
A unique opportunity for these international students to experience B2B negotiation techniques, including 15 hours of filmed and debriefed face to face negotiation rounds.
All the best to them when transposing this exercice into their professional context !

Philippe HARI, Dynamiz, 11 Mai 2021
Négocier à distance : 3 erreurs à ne pas commettre !
En collaboration avec emlyon business school - formations continues, sur la plateforme Webikeo, j'ai animé aujourd'hui ce webinar.
Je vous propose de le visualiser en ligne (lien valide jusqu'au 16/11/2021 pour la rediffusion)
Philippe HARI, Dynamiz, Avril 2021
A vos agendas ! J'aurai plaisir à vous apporter un éclairage sur 3 erreurs à ne pas commettre lorsque vous négociez à distance.
Cliquez sur l'une ou l'autre des images ci-dessous vous inscrire et participer !

Philippe HARI, Dynamiz, Avril 2021
3 exciting days with Msc in Finance students at emlyon business school to build competencies in Financial Negociation.
Respect to all for their intensive work (including at night) and their energy to make this seminar a success. Congratulations to the 'Financière Industrielle' members for beeing selected as 'the' long term partner.
Participant feedback :
It was our pleasure and privilege learning from the best !
Moustafa (Egypt)
Philippe HARI, Dynamiz, April 2020
Thanks to great participants, technology and reactivity, the spring 2020 negotiation skills class for MBA students at emlyon business school became possible.
With Hans-Jörg Schlierer we delivered teaching to 25 students running 30 live negotiation role plays.
This was an unexpected but great memorable experience. See some highlights in the video below.
Participants feedbacks :
We all understand that the first time for a class like this mus be a huge challenge for all of us. Nonetheless, in my personal opinion, it was very good!
I can tell you ... even if it was 2 am for me, I did not feel sleepy at anytime because the negotiation kept me motivated at every time.
I take the chance to congratulate Hans and Philippe for this class.
Thanks again. Regards.
Javier (Colombia)
Great Negotiation Class - building trust, sharing mutual benefit and establish long term Partnership : winner team !
Wen (China)
It was highly interactive (right from the beginning when we together came up with the definition of negotiation, and then by always answering the questions from the class). Most of the time each of us was participating in the negotiation exercise. The feedback from the tutors was invaluable! I also like the fact that the negotiation process was recorded and we discussed some parts of it afterwards.
I liked the Case itself! And also some negotiation examples you shared from your personal experience/world practices.
Thank you very much for this gift Philippe, and thank you both Hans and Philippe it was a great class.
Thank you very much for the preparation and adaptation of this course, it was definitely enlightening, challenging but most of all fun!
Philippe HARI, Dynamiz, May 2019
Just completed 3 days of an International Negotiation course to International MBA students at emlyon business school, co-animating with professor Hans-Jörg Schlierer.
Overall, we shared techniques + best practices and coached the students throughout more than 30 hours of live negotiation. How interesting to mix negotiation techniques with cultural aspects ! Congratulations and thank you to all the participants for their kindness and efforts during the role plays, turning this course into a memorable experience.

Philippe HARI, Dynamiz, April 2019
It's been an honor and a pleasure to teach another International Negotiation course at emlyon business school to Msc students.
Over 2 months, 37 students coming from 4 different continents learned about B2B negotiation in a multicultural and international setting.
Using a role play based on a real life situation, they could apply the theoretical elements and experience the do's and don'ts.
Congratulations for their performance during the role plays and for the time and energy spent in their preparation, company presentation, discovery guide, strategy paper and final offer.